Disclaimer: In order to keep this post as un-snarky as possible, let’s get this out of the way immediately…this blog does not endorse either of these songs, and lets just leave it at that.
HearJapan wrote a nice little blurb about what is apparently a bit of a controversy in the J-music blogosphere as of late. The story goes that a Vocaloid music producer going by the moniker AVTechNO released a song called “DYE” this year. Listen to it below.
Later on in 2010, a commenter on AVTechNO’s website wrote that a new KAT-TUN song sounded eerily similar to “DYE.” Listen to a sample of this track…the first one that comes on in what appears to be a medley…and compare with the above.
Assuming the “baseball” bit isn’t part of the controversial track…it does sound very similar to the Vocaloid track. I mean…just listen, it’s an EXTREMELY similar sound that just happens to have KAT-TUN singing over it. This case reminds me a bit of the anger that emerged back in 2007 with Nelly Furtado’s “Do It,” a song where producer Timbaland pretty much nicked the actual music from some Finnish guy. It’s not straight cut-copy, but so reminiscent of the original (though the original isn’t being nearly heard by as many folks who flock to a KAT-TUN sloppy second) once the similarities get pointed out it sticks. I think an interesting side of this comes from the Vocaloid aspect of it, but that’s a discussion for another day. Right now, just listen to both songs and play jury yourself.