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Moscow Club Tease New Album With Tracks “Letter From Six-Gamelan Syndicate” And “Opening Ceremony;” Also, Give Them Money!

Over the past few weeks, Tokyo’s Moscow Club have been trying to raise funds to put together their first vinyl LP. You can chip in over at Indiegogo, where you can also learn more about the project featuring some of Tokyo’s best (and, uhhhh, me, far from the best) telling you why you should throw some bones their way. The group will be posting a new song every week to SoundCloud over the next few weeks, and have already uploaded two tracks. The newest number is called “Letter From Six-Gamelan Syndicate,” and it features a few familiar Moscow Club touches – primarily, the spaced-out synth interwrapping with some guitars and bass. This number, though, also finds them trying out some new vocal deliveries, the group practically choosing to talk-sing. Listen below.

As cool as “Six-Gamelan” is, it was last week’s new edition “Opening Ceremony” that really floors. Again, it’s very Moscow Club…though this sounds like it has a little Erasure in its step too…with a beat that bounces and a flurry of warm electronics. Add in what sounds like slightly pitched up vocals, and you’ve got something that makes us want to throw even more money in there direction.