Go away for one weekend, and suddenly the Internet is full of great new music from Japan. First up, a new track from Osaka’s Seiho, who is having another great year. “Wet Asphalt” is actually one of his more linked-up tracks in quite a while – his music usually sounds like it’s snapping and popping into place, everything hitting at just the right time. This one features a pretty sturdy beat for Seiho to mess around with vocals.
Let’s stick in Kansai and check in with Kyoto wonderkid Madegg. This week, he’s showing off his ability to craft delicate long-playing songs with “Summer Snow/U Know (Slow Ver.)” It’s a well-constructed song going through several segments, Madegg making it never feel too long.
And last, Magical Mistakes, who contributed a track to Portland collective Blankstairs’ first compilation. It’s a suffocating track…those buzzy synths!…but also one tempered by some prettier notes.
Stepping away from INNIT…yyioy caught our ears last week with his head-rattling remix of Ariana Grande’s “The Way.” Well, he’s at it again with new song “We Can Do It Anywhere,” which might be a topsy-turvy remix of 112’s 1999 song “Anywhere.” It definitely lifts the titular phrase from that one…and it’s rad.
Meanwhile, if you want some electronic music that’s a bit more dramatic…and has some neat digi-voices…check out “Splash Garden” from Kobe’s Cosmosman.
And last…something that isn’t electronic at all. It’s a new song from may.e, who just keeps releasing these haunting songs featuring nothing but her voice and guitar playing. “Souvenir” is all in Japanese, but the way she subtly layers her voice results in some entrancing sounds.