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New Seiho: “Evning (With Phoenix Troy)”

Seiho has let people rap over his music before…but it would be best if we didn’t talk about the last time that happened (don’t call on cheeseball rappers). This, a song from the Osaka producer’s forthcoming album Abstraktsex, which takes an old Seiho instrumental (“Evening,” which is peak Seiho in all its nervous twitches and start-stop wonkiness) and lets singer Phoenix Troy go to work on it. And he sounds good! His smoother vocals match up with the velvet fidget of the music, and Troy himself exudes charm – Right Said Fred reference, nice, plus a sexiness that works alongside Seiho’s vibe. Hearing the music here sound good isn’t surprising – this track slapped a year ago, still slaps now – but hearing Seiho able to slide legit rapping into its frame is very cool. This album is going to be killer, huh?