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Special Lazy Sunday Afternoon Post: New Madegg And Metome

Two Japanese electronic artists having swell years released new tracks over the weekend. First up, Kyoto’s Madegg, who shows off his range with latest song “R Beams.” It opens with some very unelectronic sounds – there is guitar playing, and a woodwind. Some electronics tumble their way in soon after, but the heart of the first half of “R Beams” is very acoustic (with a piano joining in too). It becomes a bit more menacing in the second half, yet this is one of Madegg’s most refined tracks to date. Listen below.

Also out of Kansai, Metome has a new song perfect for everyone sitting put inside as it rains this Sunday afternoon (or maybe that’s just me). “Vital Signs” is a relaxed number built around chopped-up vocals and some jazzy keyboards, the whole thing zigging and zagging about but never coming off like a whirlwind. Listen below.