I’m going to assume that if you are reading this blog…and didn’t stumble hear by total accident, but if so thanks for the ego-boostin’ hit!…you like Japanese music. If not, well, give it a shot. Surely you buy music sometimes, even if it’s just a sometime thing. And few places online offer more Japanese releases than the fine folks at HearJapan. In the wake of the disasters in the northern part of Japan, that site has decided to donate 50 percent of all sales made this week to relief efforts. Which means you should go buy some sweet new Japanese music! Not to mention you are also supporting the artists giving you great tunes, you can be a champion all around.
Need some guidance on what to buy? How about the new Sloppy Joe album or the re-release of Hotel Mexico’s solid debut album?
Google also has a great page set up providing resources to help with relief efforts.