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Golden Week Chill Beatz: Taquwami’s “ßlυe ;;” And “м(ο_ο)ηligh†”

Golden Week is a, uhhhh, week at the start of May when a bunch of Japanese national holidays happen all in a row. Many people flex their vacation days to get the whole deal off, while the rest of us make do with only having to go into work twice. Lots of folks travel around the country with the time off, while others stay home and proudly tell whoever on the Internet how much they hate big crowds. I just burned through season one of Game Of Thrones.

Taquwami, meanwhile, produced three new tracks over the break. I’ve already written about “Sɦell∞”, the first installment in his “Golden Week Chill Beatz” trilogy, so now let’s spend some time with the other two uploads. All three of these songs unravel at a patient place, but “м(ο_ο)ηligh†” moves the quickest courtesy of its skittery drum programming. Otherwise, the track drifts like mist, keyboard sounds stretched out while Taquwami messes around with two vocal samples. It’s further evidence that he and Seiho should hang out and share a bottle of cough syrup sometime. The Golden Week finale “ßlυe ;;” seems more content to just hang in the air, the rippling voice sample and synths resembling the ghostly production of Sapphire Slows. Since this is the final piece of a trilogy, though, the final section ends up being consumed by glowing noise, a weirdly hopeful conclusion to what was otherwise a Xanax-ed-out number. Download all three tracks for free here, or listen to “ßlυe ;;” below.

[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]