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New ΔKTR: “Push”

ΔKTR makes beats that feel like they are tripping over themselves, but manage to vaudeville themselves into something smooth. It has always been a winning approach, but feels even more welcome when so much music —- even songs with actual singing instead of sliced-up found sounds — aims for the background. Push reminds that the easy going can still offer something challenging, as ΔKTR let’s his bunches of funk and dance samples play out however he wants, even if that means moments resulting in friction. Voices cut out on the otherwise silky “Give It Up My Friend,” and the New Jack Swing hop of “The Sequence” and the shinier “Eeeasy” gets pretty dizzy at times. The surface of the songs here canget rough, but the end result still manages to be pretty chill, albeit in a way that will sometimes get you to double take. Get it here, or listen below.