I’m not sure whether Diorama Books are a bookstore or an independent book publisher (or…both!), but they have somehow made a collaboration between Kansai producer Okadada and the lead singer of the band Skirt a reality. It’s a nice bit of 80s-indebted pop, Okadada giving the song a warped electronic feel courtesy of his keyboards, while Skirt’s lead singer handles the guitar and bass, keeping the song focused while also fitting in a few show-offy (but good in context) guitar solos. The pair work well together – I’ve only seen Skirt once live, but I was pretty bored during the set, the band hemming towards mid-tempo pop bordering on the ballad. This gives the group’s lead singer…who has a good voice, but in Skirt chooses to use it in a very straightforward way…a funky backdrop, the music doing the moving, allowing his vocals to just skate over them. Thanks Diorama Books. Listen below.