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Glowing Corners: Sakasa’s Coin Bender EP

Tokyo might be an urban labyrinth, but the Kansai region of Japan hides just as many nooks. Most tend to define this part of western Japan by the cities of Osaka and Kyoto, both of which have seen a boom in electronic music over the past two years. Right near those two, though, sits Nara, an ancient capital for the country and currently best known as a place to see a giant Buddha and feed some lovely deer. Musically, the sleepy city has produced a few solid acts, but not much in terms of electronic-dance music. Now, hailing from Nara, comes Sakasa with the Coin Bender EP, three songs of forward-thinking beats and noise. “Let your body dance, and let your brain dance more,” the description for this brief release states, and Coin Bender bares a lot of similarities with Nagoya’s House Of Tapes, whose work also focuses on the physical and mental. The opening title track especially makes the comparison apt, as Sakasa builds a maximalist beat out of some body-shaking sounds…including what might be a dentist drill. It’s crushing, but also easy to get swept up into. “Pond,” meanwhile, approaches things a bit more serenely, Sakasa letting several synths glide over one another while the beat builds up, the song turning into a twinkling number that works as both something to reflect to or move to. Get it here.

Glowing Corners: Sakasa’s Coin Bender EP

文化の中心は東京だと思われがちですが、関西も同様に栄えています。それでも大阪や京都の印象が強いですよね。ここ2年くらいその2つの場所ではダンス・ミュージックが盛り上がっていましたし。かつての首都であり、大仏や鹿が有名な奈良はどうでしょうか?良いアーティストを多数輩出しているものの、あまりダンス・ミュージックのイメージはありませんね。でもそんな奈良からも最近Sakasaというアーティストが出てきて、Coin Bender EPでは前向きなビートやノイズを奏でています。”Let your body dance, and let your brain dance more,” と説明されるこの三曲入りEPからは、名古屋のHouse Of Tapesとも共通点を感じます。どちらもメンタルとフィジカル両方に響くので。一曲目のタイトル・トラックなんかは特にそうで、歯医者のドリルみたいな身震いしそうな激しいノイズでビートが構築されています。”Pond”では逆に柔らかな印象。華やかなシンセのレイヤーが乗っているビートがこちらも徐々に重なっていきます。体を動かすにも世界観にも浸るにも適した美しい曲です