The moment on Zombie-Chang’s “I Can’t Get To Sleep,” the lead-off song from her new album Gang, that really floors me comes maybe just over halfway through. Up to this point, she has bounced along nimbly over keyboard notes and a criss-crossing beat, her voice echoing off into the distance. Compared to last year’s Zombie-Change, everything here sounds a bit cleaner, more direct even as Meirin Yung’s vocals echo off in the back. It’s a really good song, galloping and just a bit unpredictable. And then her voice speeds up, like on the lift up to a big drop, just turning to helium rapidly. And what for no shortage of other artists out there would be the big moment, this is just this strange little aside for Zombie-Chang, something to fiddle around with before diving back in. It’s the closest she’s come to making “anti-EDM” a thing. Ultimately it just makes me excited to dive into Gang. Listen above.