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Slow Wonder: Ikebana’s “Rose,” “Kiss” And “Alone”

It takes nearly two minutes for Japanese duo Ikebana’s “Rose” to really reach…somewhere. Before that, for all those seconds, the pair create a slowly unfolding iciness that sounds like it might never thaw out. Only when voices…unintelligible, virtually humming…enter into the scene do things start to warm. And even then, it still takes time. Eventually, though, those voices form words, one practically dripping down a glass window while the music glaciers on. Only the scrape of a guitar string disrupts the chill. It’s slow…but entirely engrossing, slightly mysterious but hiding some warmth.

Then comes “Kiss,” spending another two minutes frosted over. This time, though, Ikebana are audible, mostly because the only sound joining them is one muted guitar. “Kiss/I want…” the song goes, the pair spending 120 seconds begging for the interaction. Then the guitar picks up, and the intensity picks up…even if the lyrics are still pining for locked lips, ones that will cause the kisser “to never let me go.”

Oh and here’s one more song for you to stare into the void with and feel an intense longing. That’s what I’m doing!