Japan shocked Cameroon 1-0 in the World Cup the other day, pushing the country’s World Cup fever from “lukewarm” to “HOT HOT HOT.” As numerous friends have told me, not many folks here were very excited for the Japanese National Team’s trip to South Africa because they seemed to not stand much of a chance. Now…the TV talks incessantly about the team, and Japan actually has a legit shot of advancing out of the group stages.
All this football/soccer excitement also means World Cup themed pop tunes can expect a bigger surge in sales. EXILE, already selling plenty of copies of “VICTORY,” probably can count on even more money now. So too can Misia, who also has a World Cup track featured above. Like EXILE, she has chanting and a general layer of cheese covering the track. Unlike EXILE, she has whistles. May this song guide Japan to the second round.
(Via Neaux Clicked On It)