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New Picnic Women: The Lucy Show EP

Editor’s Note: A lot of great music came out over the weekend so we will probably be playing catch up for a bit around here.

This EP’s opening track seems like it is going to be Picnic Women business as usual – the juke producer grabs Adina Howard’s 1988 song “T-Shirt & Panties” and footworks it up, turning everything jittery and manic. That would have been good…what he does shortly after is fantastic. He switches the song into overdrive, letting the “t-shirt” part of the chorus repeat over and over as everything around it goes haywire. Nothing else on The Lucy Show approaches the levels of off-the-chartness the title track does – “Beat Hotel” and “Dub Girlfriend” are rather low-key affairs, especially the latter – but really an entire EP of songs like that opener would probably be too nuts. Get it here, or listen below.