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New Talking City 1994: Roll Dance She Take EP

Late last week, we wrote about how Osaka’s Talking City 1994 had a new song called “Shine” available on their SoundCloud page. Turns out “Shine” was a preview of a new EP the off-kilter released over the weekend, called Roll Dance She Take. It’s only three songs long, but the tracks here do show the band setting off in new directions. As hinted at by “Shine,” Talking City 1994 are trying to sound more locked-in, more capable of creating something borderline funky. The title track is one of the tightest things Talking City 1994 have ever done, the bass lines being especially prominent and the vocals less frantic than on everything they put out in 2012. They haven’t turned into masters of sonic fidelity – the synths still sound endearingly cheap, especially the ones opening up “Shine” – but Roll Dance She Take finds them edging to something more polished. Listen here.

New Talking City 1994: Roll Dance She Take EP

先週に大阪のTalking City 1994の新曲”Shine”を紹介したのですが、どうやらこの曲は先週末にリリースされたRoll Dance She TakeというEPのプレビューだったみたいです!3曲しか収録されてないものの、このバンドの新しい方向性をきちんと示唆した作品になってますよ。”Shine”からもわかる通り、Talking City 1994はファンキーなスタイルも演奏可能だと言う事を証明しています。タイトル・トラックはしっかりとしたベース・ラインと安定したボーカルが特徴的で、バンドの成長が伺えます。”Shine” のイントロ等に使われているシンセサイザーにもう少し工夫が欲しいものの、Roll Dance She Takeではより鮮麗されたTalking City 1994を聴く事ができますよ。試聴はこちらから