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Soft As Snow But Warm Inside: “Vogue”

“Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside)”は1988年にリリースされたMy Bloody Valentineのデビュー作、”Isn’t Anything”のオープニング曲。そんな名前を持つバンドが登場しました。シューゲイザーを連想せずにはいられなかったのですが、ボーカルがミックスの奥に配置されている事以外、ケヴィン・シールズのバンドとはあまり共通点は見受けられません。デュオの記念すべき一曲目、”Vogue”では、そんなSoft As Snow But Warm Insideの個性が発揮されています。ギターは陰に潜み、代わりに幻想性を持つシンセや、ハードなドラムマシーンの音色が目立ちます。ボーカルも美しく、”one fine day, 1969/I said goodbye to all the world”という歌詞や、宇宙飛行士の喋りがサンプルに使われている事からもわかるように、宇宙旅行がテーマになっています。Soft As Snow But Warm Insideはバンド名ゆえの期待感を上手く裏切り、誰を真似する訳でなく、独自な世界観を表現しています。視聴は以下から。

Soft As Snow But Warm Inside: “Vogue”

“Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside)” was the opening track on My Bloody Valentine’s debut full-length Isn’t Anything, released in 1988. Seeing a band named after that track…minus the parenthesis…prompts all sorts of assumptions, most of them tied to words like “shoegaze.” Although this Japanese duo shares a few elements in common with Kevin Shield’s band…primarily, that the vocals are placed lower in the mix…Soft As Snow But Warm Inside are a group carving out an identity all their own on first song “Vogue.” Guitars don’t factor into the song, the pair instead embracing synthesizers and drum machines to create a lush soundscape. The singing, although not super clear, is also very pretty, and the lyrics themselves focus on space travel (“one fine day, 1969/I said goodbye to all the world”) which is reinforced by the audio samples of astronaut talk scattered about the song. Don’t let any Creation Records connections fool you – Soft As Snow But Warm Inside isn’t an act about imitation. Listen below.