Berkely’s The Morning Bender’s planned to play their first show ever in Japan last week. The recent disasters in the country, though, stopped that from happening and prompted the group to release the Japan Echo EP on their website. Listeners can download the album by choosing an amount of money that will then be donated to the Japan Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund, main Bender Chris Chu writes. He also notes he was born in Japan and how he’s “always had a deep love for the country and it’s people.” The EP features two new songs along with a handful of remixes, featuring the likes of Star Slinger, Twin Shadow and Wild Nothing. Again, get it here.
Slightly related – The Morning Benders seem really popular in indie circles here. At least according to prominent music magazine Snoozer, which named their 2010 effort Big Echo the best long player of the year. Readers of said publication like them in a slightly different way – Chris Chu finished just behind The Mirraz in the “My Sex Icon” category. Three spots ahead of Julian Casablancas!