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Twinkle Twinkles Make A Shiny Shiny SoundCloud Page With Some Lovely Lovely Songs

Osaka’s Twinkle Twinkles have finally wised up to the Internet game. After spending a long stretch of time operating with just a MySpace page (note to all Japanese bands – GET OFF MYSPACE IT IS DEAD), the trio recently got in on SoundCloud and have posted three of their energetic gushes of twee rock to the site. “His Presents Were Tons Of Doughnuts” and “Cinderella” kicked around the ol’ MySpace page back in the day, but sound crisper today. They also uploaded a new track, “Vintage Boys & Girls,” for you to hear. Oh hey they also have a Bandcamp, good job!

Also on the horizon…a new release? They are playing a “1st Release Party” show on March 3 (with Hotel Mexico NOICE I’ma be there), so I guess they have something to release. Don’t know what thought. Stay tuned for more news.

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