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New Paisley Parks: Coffin #1

The Japanese juke scene moves quickly — it’s really a testament to its continued strength that one of the cornerstone outfits of the scene, Paisley Parks, could go a couple years without releasing a new collection and the community as a whole feels just as vibrant. Still…it’s nice to have a new Paisley Parks album drop, especially one as fun as Coffin #1. The group has always been fond of injecting humor into their dance tracks, and Coffin #1 features dog barks (“Mardas”) and literal laughing as centerpiece (“LOL”). “Paisleysoul” is built around some joyous screaming. Yet they’ve always been just at good at hitting on great grooves, and here listeners get frantic takes on classic audio workouts (“Popcorn”) and skeletal shufflers (“Memoryyy”). Glad to see ’em back. Get it here, or listen below.